A Global Testimony is a compilation of inspiring and faith-promoting stories from all over the world, representing more than 60 countries and territories, written in first person by converts to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

As a convert myself, I have always been intrigued by the various paths that have led others to the fold. My own testimony is renewed and strengthened when I hear how people from all corners of the earth recognized and embraced this one eternal truth—that God lives. Such stories always inspire me to be a better member, missionary and disciple of Jesus Christ.

The Rich, the Famous, the Poor and Everything in Between

I believe this book will be an invaluable tool in strengthening the testimonies of members, missionaries and investigators worldwide. It demonstrates the hand of the Lord in the lives of the individuals and families in this book—across diverse cultural, economic and social backgrounds. They are pioneers who established the Church in their countries, translated the scriptures or became Area Seventies in the upper echelons of Church leadership.

  • Traditional families,
  • singles,
  • single parents,
  • children joining without parents,
  • parents of inactive children,
  • “golden” converts,
  • former addicts,
  • the rich,
  • the famous,
  • the poor
  • and everything in between.

While most members live in the countries they represent, there are a few exceptions.

Members everywhere can renew the enthusiasm they felt when they first gained a testimony. Those interested in learning more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can find out how those before them came to know the fullness of the gospel and establish or deepen their relationship with God. Future missionaries will see the different ways in which the Spirit testifies. Those wavering in their faith may read to renew their confidence. All will benefit from an increased understanding of life in different cultures and unique paths that have led to the same conclusion—that we have a Father in heaven who is aware of us and loves us individually, whose omniscience is unmatched, and who stands ready to help us unleash our full potential.

The Privilege of Sharing the Gospel

Photo of Katarina Jambresic at desk

When we seek to know the truth, God answers us through a form of revelation we can understand. When we find it, we realize what a tremendous gift it is to have the fulness of the gospel. The sacrifices don’t matter because teaming up with the most powerful being in the universe is infinitely greater than what we leave behind. The deeper our conversion, the deeper our desire to share that life-changing knowledge with others. I am here today because someone took the time to find me. There is a point where sharing the gospel ceases to be an obligation and becomes a privilege. We have reached it.

The Lord has asked us to stand up for what we believe and to share the gospel. Our daily interactions may touch dozens, but our written stories may inspire millions—for generations to come.

May our collective testimony of a living Christ and His gospel add to the power of faith in your life.

We knew there was more truth out there. This is how we found it.